We aRe CeRtified Tesla PoweRwall InstalleRs.
MJR Electric BC are the fourth electrical contractor to become Certified Tesla Powerwall installers and Certified Tesla Car Chargers (Tesla Powerwall) in Vancouver British Columbia. We specialize in design, supply and installation of Solar Panels, and electrical installations throughout the greater Vancouver area
Our team of electricians have over 30 plus years of experience in the electrical construction industry and are qualified solar panel and Tesla Powerwall installers. One reason to higher MJR Electric over other solar companies in the lower mainland is because we have certified and trained Red Seal/FSR-B Journeyman electricians, 5 million liability insurance, and WCB coverage for all of our employees.
We offer grid-tied, battery backup, and combination battery/generator/solar systems which qualify to sell excess solar energy back via BC Hydro’s net-metering program, decrease the amount of power consumption your property uses from the electrical grid, and provides you with a complete power back up system even when their is not enough sun to create solar energy.
Tesla Powerwall can backup your entire home or small business instead of the use of gas or diesel generators. With the new Powerwall and components you can eliminate the need for additional inverters to build your storage or battery backup system with the potential to charge your electric vehicle as well.

OuR SeRvices.

MJR Electric BC are certified installers for the Tesla Powerwall home battery system. Find out how you can create battery storage your home or business using Telsa s innovative Powerwall and battery backup system combined with solar, electrical grid, or generator backup. Powerwall can be used for whole home or partial home backup.

Learn about residential & commercial Solar PV systems, BC Hydro’s net metering program and rebates, combination grid-tie/solar/generator systems and inverters, ROI for solar installation costs, design packages, and what a solar system would look like in your home!
Benefits for Going SolaR PV.
- Generate clean, green electricity with PV cells
- Get paid 10 cents per kWh for power fed to grid
- Generate power your home, business or EV charger
- Reduce or eliminate your electricity bill, reduce peak demand costs
- Remain with electricity after storms and brown outs
- Complete off-the-grid electrical system (net zero)
- No annual mechanical maintenance
- Increase the equity of your home or business
- Reduce your carbon/GHG footprint
- Easy installation for your home or business
CoMplete SolaR Package Details.
- All-in-one turn key electrical and solar system
- Site analysis, demand calculation, and solar design
- 25 year ROI payback for solar installation
- Installation of CSA approved products locally sourced
- Installed by certified Red Seal FSR-B electrical contractors
- Tesla or Solar edge smart power monitoring app and features
- Power optimizers for solar panel performance
- One year warranty for workmanship (Tesla warranty separate)